Pass ACT Workkeys Test: Updated Guide and Free Practice Tests (2025)
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ACT WorkKeys tests measure skills that employers consider necessary for success in the workplace. The ACT WorkKeys assessment system is used by people looking to enter the next phase of their education, embark on a new career, or advance in their current job role.
We, at Prepterminal, have created a series of free Workkeys practice tests. Discover your benchmark testing score. Start preparing for your Workkeys test with our Workkeys practice tests free today.
WorkKeys Applied Math Practice Test
WorkKeys Graphic Literacy Practice Test
WorkKeys Workplace Documents Practice Test
What is the WorkKeys Test and What does it Include?
ACT WorkKeys is a series of assessments and curricula that measure your career readiness by assessing your foundational and soft skills. The test scores are used to establish your aptitude for a specific career path or to show your competencies to potential employers.
The WorkKeys assessment is used by individuals looking to enter a new stage of their education, begin a career, or make a change to their current job role. Employers use the ACT WorkKeys test scores when making decisions about employee appointments and training. The ACT WorkKeys can help employers hire the right talent and retain a top-performing workforce.
Generally, candidates who have applied for a job where the hiring company requires the National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) take the WorkKeys skills assessment. A candidate is granted an NCRC upon the successful completion of the WorkKeys test. The NCRC is a highly recognized work readiness credential. It certifies the necessary work skills needed for success in job roles across various industries.
Candidates who score at the bronze level (at least 3) in Applied Math, Graphic Literacy, and Workplace Documents are entitled to receive the ACT’s National Career Readiness Certificate. Candidates need to score at least a “3” in all three assessments to show college and career readiness. Workplaces and organizations typically recognize the National Career Readiness Certificate and not the individual tests themselves.
There are eight kinds of assessment tests, each differing in the sorts of skills they evaluate.

Prepterminal's Guide to ACT Workkeys®
Last Updated: Jul 19, 2024
ACT Prep Course
Course Content
- 1BONUS Interview Prep Video GuideBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 2IntroductionBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 3Workplace DocumentsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- Reading and Writing Memos and Emails - Written Guide
- Finding the Main Idea in a Text - Written Guide
- Following instructions – Written Guide
- Learning New Vocabulary from Context –Written Guide
- Using Documents to Make Decisions – Written Guide
- Acronyms, Jargon, & Technical Terms – Written Guide
- Understanding the Reasoning & Principles behind a Text – Written Guide
- Inferring Details & Reading between the Lines – Written Guide
- Drawing Conclusions & Making Decisions from Incomplete Information – Written Guide
- Workplace Documents Questions 1
- Workplace Documents Questions 2
- Workplace Documents Questions 3
- Workplace Documents Test 1
- Workplace Documents Test 2
- Workplace Documents Test 3
- 4Applied MathsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 5Graphic LiteracyBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
The WorkKeys Test Types
Let’s take a look at the eight kinds of WorkKeys assessment tests individually.
Applied Math
The Applied Math assessment tests your critical thinking skills, your mathematical reasoning abilities, and your capacity to solve problems, concerning common workplace scenarios.
In this section, you will need to answer 34 math-related questions ranging from simple mathematical operations to word problems and statistical analysis depending on which level of difficulty you choose to sit (from levels 3 to 7). The test needs to be completed within a 55-minute time limit.
The Level 3 version of the test is considered the least complex while Level 7 is considered the most complex one. This is because the higher the level you choose to take, the more skills are assessed and incorporated from the previous levels.
This means if you choose to take the Level 7 test, you will encounter questions that can only be solved if you have the skills from Levels 3, 4, 5, and 6.
Let’s take a look at them:
Contains items in the form of word problems and the information is present and in chronological order, allowing the examinee to easily solve them.
Skills Assessed in this Level:
- The ability to solve problems containing only one mathematical operation (Addition, subtraction, division, multiplication) which may be in the form of a sales or money-related problem.
- The ability to add or subtract positive or negative numbers, and multiply or divide with only positive numbers.
- The ability to convert fractions into decimals and vice versa or to convert decimals to percentages and vice versa.
- The ability to convert units of time from one another.
- The ability to convert and calculate between two monetary units.
Nearly similar to the previous level but here, the information may be presented out of order and most questions may have unnecessary information, forcing the examinee to figure out which are vital to the question. Tables, charts, and diagrams are added to the question bank as well.
Skills Assessed in this Level:
- The ability to order the presented information correctly before calculating.
- The ability to solve problems that use one or two mathematical operations with either positive or negative numbers or a mixture of the two.
- The ability to calculate the average of a set of numbers
- The ability to calculate rates, ratios, and proportions.
- The ability to add fractions, decimals, and percentages.
- The ability to add or subtract common denominator fractions.
- Multiply mixed numbers with whole numbers or with a decimal number.
Contains problems with characteristics from the previous Levels but with the addition of having to use several steps more and the use of logic before performing a calculation.
Skills Assessed in this Level:
- The ability to figure out what calculation, information, or conversions they have to use in order to come up with the correct answer.
- The ability to solve fractions with different denominators.
- The ability to solve problems that necessitate converting between two units or two systems of measurement.
- The ability to figure out which of the choices presents the best possible outcome or value for the situation presented in the question such as ‘which will bring in more money’ or ‘which investment is considered the best’.
- The ability to calculate the area, such as the perimeter or circumference of a basic shape.
- The ability to calculate what is the tax, discount, or markup.
- The ability to understand the contents of a spreadsheet or calculation and know where a mistake occurred.
Most questions require multi-step calculation while some require the examinee to convert the figures or details from verbal into numerical such as having to use 50% or 0.50 if the question uses ‘half’ in it in order to create a coherent and solvable mathematical equation.
Skills Assessed in this Level:
- The ability to calculate fractions with different denominators
- The ability to do multi-step conversions between units, sometimes between different systems of measurement.
- The ability to find the area of basic shapes while also having to convert the units in order to come up with an accurate solution.
- The ability to calculate the volume of 3D objects such as cubes.
- The ability to calculate rates in relation to time, such as the production rates of a car factory per day.
Questions encountered in this Level may require the examinee to infer or guess certain variables or values as information may be incomplete or implicit. To make things worse, most of the questions in this Level requires multi-step calculation, among other things from the previous levels.
Skills Assessed in this Level:
- The ability to solve problems where one of the variables or values is presented in fraction form.
- The ability to convert and calculate measurements in fraction, mixed number, decimal, and percentage form. (Meaning a mixture of everything in a single question)
- The ability to calculate the volume of spheres, cylinders, or cones.
- The ability to understand complex graphical and statistical data.
Test-takers are allowed to use a calculator and they will also be provided with a formula sheet that contains relevant formulas and conversion tables needed to answer several questions in the test.
Graphic Literacy
This 38-item test is a form of a cognitive skills test that aims to measure your ability to extract, analyze, and interpret information using graphic resources like graphs, tables, maps, blueprints, and charts. You will be given 55 minutes to complete it.
Like the Applied Math test, the Graphics Literacy test contains seven levels with 3 being the lowest and 7 being the highest or most complex.
Let’s take a look at them:
Only one graphic is used in each question in the form of order forms, bar graphs, tables, flow charts, maps, gauges, or floor plans.
Skills Assessed in this Level:
- The ability to locate and find relevant information.
- Know what is the next step in the process.
Graphical data may now include multiple levels of data within a single graph. At this Level, the number of graphs can now be a maximum of two per question. Bar and pie charts, diagrams, maps, and dashboards are now included in the types of graphs that one can encounter in the test.
Skills Assessed in this Level:
- The ability to compare two or more sources of information as well as the specific information between them from each other.
- The ability to identify a trend, pattern, or relationship in the data provided
- The ability to make inferences.
- The ability to come to a conclusion or draw data from two graphics.
A number of questions here uses graphics More complicated workplace graphics – may include unusual graphic types (i.e. proprietary-esque graphics or archaic ones). The number of data included in each graphic is further increased and may be condensed in the graphic, making it rather difficult to read. Each question has a chance to contain two or more graphics at a time.
Skills Assessed in this Level:
- The ability to locate information in a graphic using the information found in another graphic.
- The ability to idenity and compare two or more trends, patterns, and relationships.
- The ability to justify an inference.
The graphics presented here now contain more information, such as having three scales or axes per graphic, than the previous levels in addition to having multiple graphics per question.
Skills Assessed in this Level:
- The ability to find and interpret information accurately for a particular graphic using the other graphics amidst expansive cluttered or junk information.
- Identify a certain trend, pattern, or relationship despite the complex amount of information present in all graphics.
- Identify which of the presented graphics is the correct or most accurate one based on the requirements or details of the question.
Identify which of the presented graphics is the correct or most accurate one based on the requirements or details of the question.
Skills Assessed in this Level:
- All skills were assessed in the previous levels but now for multiple graphics that are more or the most complex possible with an abundance of information that may be unnecessary to the point that it becomes overpowering.
At the lower ability levels, you only have to identify correct information by analyzing the graphic representation presented in the test. At the middle ability levels, you are expected to not only identify which information is correct but to also be able to identify patterns, make comparisons, and derive reasonable interpretations from the information provided. At high ability levels, examinees are expected to utilize various data points to compare and interpret multiple trends, deduce conclusions, and justify these conclusions.
Workplace Documents
This test 35-item test aims to measure your ability to read and comprehend workplace documents such as emails, procedures, policies, bulletins, memos, contracts, and even websites so that you can make good job-related decisions. You will have 55 minutes to complete this assessment.
In the Workplace Documents assessment, there are five levels of difficulty ranging from level 3 through to level 7.
Level 3 version is considered as the least complex while Level 7 is considered the most complex one. Once again, the higher the level you choose to take, the more skills are assessed and incorporated from the previous levels.
Let’s take a look at them:
The passages or reading materials used in this Level are comprised of simple and short company policies, procedures, and announcements. Passages encountered here are direct and to the point, allowing the examinee to know what to do or what to focus on immediately.
Skills Assessed in this Level:
- The ability to identify the purpose of the passage and identify key details in order to answer the question that follows.
- The ability to know what steps to take based on the instructions provided by the passage when it comes to ‘situation’-type questions.
Passages present in this Level are now slightly longer and more extensive to read, those with instructions now contain more steps to follow in addition to alternative ones if a certain development or complicatio occurs. In addition, more complex or technical words are introduced in some passages as well.
Skills Assessed in this Level:
- The ability to ascertain the meaning of complex or difficult words using context clues in the passage.
- The ability to know which step or alternative to take based on the procedure that was given.
- The ability to comprehend more complex reading materials and apply its pupose to the question provided.
Intensive company policy, contracts, legal, and instructional documents are now included in the question bank. Reading materials are now significantly longer and more complex, some with needless details or information. The use of technical terms and industry-specific jargon are more common. ‘If-then’ problems are more prominent as well.
Skills Assessed in this Level:
- The ability to infer the meaning of a word, phrase, company and industry jargon, technical terms, or even acronyms using context clues.
- The ability to understand and comprehend complex procedures that contain many conditions or alternatives.
- The ability to make accurate inferences in order to apply the information or instruction appropriately.
- The ability to understand the conditions and alternatives and know which one to follow or apply depending on the situation provided in the question.
The passages contained in this Level are now more complex with the addition of more difficult vocabulary as well as the usage of more industry/company-specifica jargon and acronyms. Passages are also longer and may contain further needless details. The usage of context clues to discover the meaning of a term is more extensive.
Skills Assessed in this Level:
- The ability to infer implied details or instructions based on the provided passage.
- The ability to apply information or instructions to a situation where the effectivity is merely applied or barely described in the document.
- The ability to apply the principles of the passage provided to a situation that is either not directly related to the one mentioned in the passage or is a completely new situation entirely.
- The ability to identify the rationale or idea behind the entire document or a specific section.
The passages contained in this Level are highly complex and contain a lot of information, complicated concepts, unusual and undefined jargon and technical terms, and have difficult vocabulary.
Skills Assessed in this Level:
- All skills assessed in the previous levels.
Applied Technology
The Applied Technology assessment tests your knowledge of fundamental principles and skills in the following area of technology: mechanics, electricity, fluid dynamics, and thermodynamics. This assessment requires you to apply your reasoning skills, rather than your math skills, so you will be able to problem-solve without the use of formulas or calculations.
Individuals that use the applied technology skills are expected to:
- Identify which components of a problem are important
- Analyze a problem by recognizing the problem and its components
- Decide on the order to maintain when tackling parts of the problem
- Apply existing materials, tools, or methodologies to unique scenarios
The test contains 34 questions. The online version of the test takes 55 minutes and the paper-and-pencil version takes 45 minutes to complete. There are four levels of difficulty in this assessment, ranging from Level 3 through to Level 6, (6 being the most complex). As with the other assessment types, each of the levels builds on the other.
Business Writing
The Business Writing assessment evaluates the skills needed to write an authentic response to a work-related scenario. In this test, you will be assessed concerning skill areas such as; sentence structure, grammar, mechanics, word usage and word choice, tone, organization, focus, and the way you develop your ideas. You will be presented with 1 writing prompt.
There are five skill levels in this assessment, ranging from Level 1 through to Level 5 (with Level 5 being the most complex). Each level demands an increased amount of skill. The writing that an individual produces should be more fluid and communicated more clearly as they move to Level 5. Furthermore, an individual should make fewer errors and the errors that are made should be less significant as they move to Level 5.
At all Levels, you will be required to read one written prompt and then write your response. You will have 30 minutes to complete the assessment.
Workplace Observation
The Workplace Observation test evaluates your skills in observing, following, understanding, and evaluating demonstrations, procedures, demonstrations, and other work processes. The assessment features 35 questions and needs to be completed in 55 minutes. Workplace observations assessment includes 5 levels (Level 5 being the most complex).
At low levels, you will need to follow what you observe. In this way, you will be required to imitate all, or sections of, a basic demonstration, procedure, or process. You will also need to interpret what you observe, for example, basic instructions, demonstrations, procedures, or processes.
At the middle levels, you will be required to synthesize what you observe. You will need to combine more than one step that has been shown in an observed procedure, demonstration, or process. You will also need to ignore multiple distractions that could interfere with your ability to remember details.
At high levels, you will need to analyze what you observe. In this way, you will need to demonstrate that you can anticipate outcomes, form inferences, and extend out the application of information from an observed process, demonstration, or procedure. You will also be required to evaluate what you observe. You will need to show that you can evaluate which alternative is most fitting, according to an earlier observation.
Fit Assessment
The Fit assessment evaluates the values and interests of an individual in connection to the workplace setting. This test provides information that can be used to see how well an individual fits in with the job roles of an organization. In this way, the Fit assessment is used to cross-reference your attitudes, interests, and values, with those held by a prospective employer.
There Fit assessment is made up of two parts:
1. The ACT Interest Inventory: The inventory measures six fundamental interests; business, operations, administration and sales, technical, science and technology, arts, and social services, and addresses the spectrum of fundamental work tasks.
2. The Work Values Inventory: The Work Values Inventory is made up of 18 values such as; autonomy, public contact, influencing others, intellectual stimulation, order, creativity, and precision.
The Fit assessment consists of 102 questions and takes 15-20 minutes to complete online.
Talent Assessment
The Talent assessment measures four areas: discipline, teamwork, customer service, and an individual’s potential for a managerial role. This test measures behaviors and attitudes, rather than cognitive abilities. The results give a general picture of the personality of an individual, and whether they are a good match for a given business or organization.
The test features 165 questions and needs to be completed in 30-35 minutes.
WorkKeys F.A.Q.
Can I Use a Calculator on Workkeys?
Yes, 4-function, graphing, or scientific calculators are allowed in the Applied Mathematics section of the test.
What Is a Passing Score for Workkeys?
Bronze – Candidates need to earn a level score of 3 or more on each test. Silver – Candidates need to earn a level score of 4 or higher on each test. Gold – Candidates need to earn a level score of 5 or higher on each exam. Platinum – Candidates need to earn a level score of 6 or higher on each exam.
How Long Does It Take To Get Workkeys Results?
It can take between 1-3 hours to get your WorkKeys results.
Prepterminal’s WorkKeys Practice Prep Course
PrepTerminal’s ACT WorkKeys Preparatory Course has been carefully crafted by our expert instructional team, who have invaluable experience and knowledge of the WorkKeys practice test material and testing experience. Our full curriculum-based course helps ensure that test-takers can prepare well and succeed in this difficult series of assessments.
Our team has developed a curated module-based study guide that features all the most up-to-date and relevant information on the WorkKeys assessments. Our prep course has study guides, Workkeys practice test questions, and full Workkeys practice tests that contain all of the subjects, questions, and question formats that will appear in the actual exam.
Here at PrepTerminal, we know that everyone has the potential to shine in this test and to receive the National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC). Secure your future by practicing today with us, PrepTerminal!

Created by: Matthew Appleyard
Psychometric Tutor, Prepterminal Test Expert
1026 students, 4.7, 125 Reviews
I’m Matthew Appleyard, Prepterminal’s ACT Workkeys Test Prep Expert. Any questions about the course? Let me know at [email protected]