
Excel in the GardaWorld Screening Officer Test 2024: Practice Test & Prep Course

Ace Your Gardaworld Enterance Exam With Our Comprehensive Prep Course & Latest Practice Tests
81 Reviews|534 Students|Last Updated: Jul 22, 2024

Begin your journey toward becoming an esteemed Pre-Board Screening Officer at GardaWorld with our thorough prep course. Tailored to equip you for the Object Recognition Test (ORT) and the integrated English, Math, and Pattern Recognition assessments, this prep material also offers additional guidance for clearing the upcoming interview rounds.

Discover a wealth of knowledge and practical strategies that will empower you to conquer this challenging test. Our lessons are designed with your success in mind, featuring a wide range of sample questions covering object recognition, English, and Math. These questions are brought to life with real-world scenarios and actionable tips, giving you the essential insights needed to confidently and accurately navigate the complexities of the test.

About the GardaWorld Pre-Board Screening Officer Test

You face two core tests: the ORT and a comprehensive multiple-choice exam covering Math, English, and pattern recognition. The ORT, akin to the TSA’s and other security officers hiring tests, is notably challenging. It involves analyzing X-ray images under a tight 20-second limit to identify specific items.

The Object Recognition Test (ORT)

In the ORT, your task is to examine 20 X-ray bag images and decide if the objects are allowed within a specific time limit. To pass, you need to achieve an 80% score, a challenge that only a few accomplish.

The most challenging part of solving X-ray questions is recognizing shapes and quickly identifying patterns in complicated images. It becomes all the more challenging when you have to solve these questions against the clock.

Here’s an example:

Question: Is there a gun in this bag?

Garda ORT Landing Image

  • A:


  • B:


Correct Answer: A. Yes


This scan contains a lot of metallic objects, to scan for a gun we need to focus on the blue & black regions of the scan. Scanning from left to right gives us an object on the lower right section of the scan, that resembles a barrel & a magazine attached to it. On further observation, it can be confirmed as a gun.
Garda ORT Landing Image Solved

Gardaworld Pre Board Screening Officer (X-Ray Practice Test)

The Math, English, & Pattern Aptitude Test

Pass the ORT and this will be your next, testing your proficiency in English, logical thinking, and Math. This section comprises 100 multiple-choice questions to be completed in 60 minutes. A score of 80% is required for passing.

Here is a breakdown of the test topics and the number of questions in each:

Part of the TestNumber of Questions
Grammar Knowledge10
Reading Comprehension10


This section primarily focuses on identifying and correcting spelling errors within passages or choosing the correctly spelled word from options. Out of 100 questions, 40 are dedicated to spelling, making it the largest portion. Success in this section can significantly boost your overall score.

Sample Question
Question: How many words are spelled incorrectly in line 2 of the following paragraph?
  1. The professor's lecture was informative and insightful.
  2. She used sophsticated technology for her presentation.
  3. Students engaged in active participation and discussion.
  4. The classroom provided an optimal learning envioronment.
  5. Education is the key to personal and professional growth.
  • A:


  • B:


  • C:


  • D:


Correct Answer: C. 2


Analyzing line 2: She used sophsticated technology for her presentetion.

sophsticated - Incorrect spelling. The correct spelling is "sophisticated."
Presentetion - Incorrect spelling. The correct spelling is "presentation”
There are two spelling mistakes in line 2, making C the correct answer.


This section examines your knowledge of English grammar rules, covering aspects such as verb tenses, punctuation, prepositions, and other fundamental grammatical elements. You can expect around 10 multiple-choice questions from this section.

Sample Question

The committee discussed various proposals, and each member was asked to submit its feedback by the end of the week.

Question: How would you correct this sentence?
  • A:

    Change 'committee' to 'committees'

  • B:

    Replace 'its' with 'their'

  • C:

    Remove the comma after 'proposals'

  • D:

    No correction is necessary

Correct Answer: B. Replace 'its' with 'their'


The sentence requires pronoun antecedent agreement, and since 'committee' is a singular noun, the use of 'their' is more appropriate. The corrected sentence is: "The committee discussed various proposals, and each member was asked to submit their feedback by the end of the week."

Answer (A) is incorrect because changing 'committee' to 'committees' does not address the pronoun antecedent agreement issue.

Answer (C) is incorrect because the comma correctly separates the two clauses.

Answer (D) is incorrect because Answer (B) provides a more inclusive choice for pronoun antecedent agreement.

Reading Comprehension

This section checks your aptitude for comprehending and deciphering written content. The questions involve a passage to read followed by a set of questions to answer. Typically, you get 10 questions from this segment that reckon your skill in drawing conclusions, and ability to deduce meaning from contextual cues.

Sample Question


Vegetables, often overlooked in favor of more indulgent food choices, are nutritional powerhouses packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber. From the vibrant orange of carrots to the leafy greens of spinach, the colors of vegetables signify the diverse range of nutrients they offer. Incorporating a variety of vegetables into our diets can support overall health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Moreover, vegetable gardens in urban areas provide an opportunity for communities to connect with nature, promote sustainability, and access fresh produce. However, challenges like urban space constraints and pesticide use in farming practices pose obstacles to realizing the full potential of vegetables as a source of health and sustainability.

Question: What is the primary benefit mentioned in the passage regarding the inclusion of vegetables in our diets?
  • A:

    Vegetables offer a diverse range of colors.

  • B:

    Eating vegetables reduces the risk of chronic diseases.

  • C:

    Urban vegetable gardens promote sustainability.

  • D:

    Pesticide use in farming practices enhances the nutritional value of vegetables.

Correct Answer: B. Eating vegetables reduces the risk of chronic diseases.


Option B is the correct choice because it accurately describes the primary benefit mentioned in the passage regarding the inclusion of vegetables in our diets. The passage discusses that incorporating a variety of vegetables into our diets can support overall health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Options A, C, and D are incorrect because they do not represent the primary benefit mentioned in the passage:

Option A mentions the diverse range of colors of vegetables, which is related to their nutrient content but not the primary benefit discussed in the passage.

Option C discusses the promotion of sustainability through urban vegetable gardens, which is a positive aspect but not the primary benefit of eating vegetables in our diets.

Option D mentions pesticide use in farming practices, which is presented as a challenge rather than a benefit of including vegetables in our diets.

Pattern Recognition

Pattern recognition is an essential cognitive ability for screening officers, enabling them to identify potential threats and comprehend intricate scenarios. In this section of the test, you can typically expect around 10 questions that require you to determine the next number or shape in a sequence, discern patterns in data, or identify visual patterns.

Sample Question
Question: Which figure completes the series?

Figural Series Practice Q 09

  • A:
  • B:
  • C:
  • D:
Correct Answer: D.


Observe: The square shifts its position from the lower left, to the center, and then to the upper right corner, and with each move, its shading alternates. Concurrently, the group of circles rotates in a clockwise direction. The circle with the shading within this set transitions from left, to center, then right, before restarting its sequence.
Identify: The pattern showcases a consistent rotation and shifting of the shapes with alternating shading.
Verify: Based on the described sequence, we recognize the continuous clockwise motion of the circle set and the shading pattern of both the square and circle.
Apply: Following the established pattern, the next box should feature a shaded square in the center, the circle set positioned to the left, and within this circle set, the middle circle should be shaded.
Consequently, the correct choice based on the observed pattern is option D.


This section consists of 20 questions and assesses your ability in basic arithmetic, data comprehension, and practical math applications, including time zone calculations, unit conversions, and data interpretation.

Sample Question
Question: A security officer is tasked with inspecting a series of rooms. She spends 15 minutes in each room and takes a 5-minute break after inspecting every two rooms. If she has 10 rooms to inspect, how long will the entire inspection take?

Hint: Divide the total minutes by 60 to get the hours. For any remaining fraction, multiply by 60 to find the extra minutes. For example, 150 minutes is 2 hours (150 ÷ 60) and 30 minutes (0.5 × 60).

  • A:

    2 hours and 45 minutes

  • B:

    2 hours and 55 minutes

  • C:

    3 hours

  • D:

    2 hours and 40 minutes

Correct Answer: B. 2 hours and 55 minutes


  1. Time for Room Inspections:
    Time spent in each room = 15 minutes.
    Total time for rooms = 10 rooms × 15 minutes/room = 150 minutes.
  2. Calculate the Number of Breaks:
    The officer takes a break after every two rooms.
    Number of breaks = (10 rooms / 2 rooms per break) - 1 = 5 - 1 = 4 breaks.
  3. Time for Breaks:
    Time for each break = 5 minutes.
    Total time for breaks = 4 breaks × 5 minutes/break = 20 minutes.
  4. Total Time for the Entire Inspection:
    Total time = Time for rooms + Time for breaks.
    Total time = 150 minutes (rooms) + 20 minutes (breaks) = 170 minutes.
    Converting to hours and minutes: 170 minutes = 2 hours and 50 minutes.

Therefore, the entire inspection will take 2 hours and 50 minutes, making the correct answer D) 2 hours and 50 minutes.

Competency Based Questions

The competency based section has 10 questions and it assesses the competencies suitable for a screening officer, this can range from passenger interactions to situation you might face in day-to-day operations.

Sample Question

During a security audit, minor lapses are identified in your team's processes. You believe these lapses originated from instructions by higher-ups. How do you address this?

  • A:

    Acknowledge the lapses without blaming others, focusing on immediate rectification.

  • B:

    Inform the auditors privately about the higher-ups' instructions causing the lapses.

  • C:

    Publicly dispute the audit's conclusions, questioning their validity.

  • D:

    Compile evidence of the higher-ups' instructions and formally report to the auditors.

Correct Answer: D. Compile evidence of the higher-ups' instructions and formally report to the auditors.


Presenting concrete evidence of instructions from higher-ups to auditors is crucial for a transparent and accountable investigation into audit lapses. It enables auditors to make well-informed decisions.

Here's why other options are less suitable:

Option A: Simply acknowledging lapses without identifying underlying causes lacks depth in addressing accountability.

Option B: Informing auditors privately about higher-ups' instructions is less effective without solid evidence, relying only on personal assertions.

Option C: Publicly challenging the audit's findings without evidence can lead to unproductive tension and mistrust, and lacks a constructive approach.

Gardaworld Pre Board Screening Officer (English & Math Practice Test)

Take a Sneak Peek into our Course Modules

Our Exclusive GardaWorld Prep Pack Features

Over 30 X-ray Image Practice Questions

More than 50 Math Practice Problems

Extensive English Grammar and Spelling Exercises with Detailed Explanations

30 Reading Comprehension Passages Featuring Realistic Scenarios for Screening Officers

Exclusive Guides and Statements for Competency-Based test by a professional psychologist.

Exclusive Test-Taking Strategies

Hundreds of Sample Questions with Detailed, Step-by-Step Explanations

Tailored Practice to Suit Your Skill Level

Expertly Crafted Strategies for Success

Comprehensive Question Bank for Thorough Preparation

In-Depth Explanations to Understand Every Concept

Mastery of Key Topics Made Easy

Expertly Designed to Enhance Your Test Performance

Exclusive Content for Aspiring Screening Officers

Learn more about GardaWorld, a leader in global security services, and what it means to be part of their esteemed team.

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I took my exam today and guess what " I nailed it". This course help me a lot. I purchased this course a week ago and studied all the sections. Even though the actual test is different from the questions here, it is really vital to study here before you take the real one. I highly recommend anyone to take this course. Thank you !![...]Show Less
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This is something you definitely won’t regret buying if your trying to pass your CBT. Helped me get comfortable with the English and x-ray portions of the exam.[...]Show Less
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Michael Lerner

Created by: Michael Lerner

BSc, Psychometric Tutor, Prepterminal Test Expert

534 students,
, 81 Reviews

Hey, I’m Michael, PrepTerminal’s GardaWorld Pre-Board expert. I am here to help you with any questions or concerns you may have about the GardaWorld Pre-Board Screening. Feel free to contact me at [email protected].

Success Stories

Discover what 81 students said about us:

I took my exam today and guess what " I nailed it". This course help me a lot. I purchased this course a week ago and studied all the sections. Even though the actual test is different from the questions here, it is really vital to study here before you take the real one. I highly recommend anyone to take this course. Thank you !!


Practice makes perfect!

Christina A.

Very Helpful info.

Christina A.

This is something you definitely won’t regret buying if your trying to pass your CBT. Helped me get comfortable with the English and x-ray portions of the exam.

Maria H.

Just passed my test! Great prep course, it definitely prepared me and gave a great insight on what to expect on the test.

Kelsey B.

Very Helpful info.

Christina A.

This is something you definitely won’t regret buying if your trying to pass your CBT. Helped me get comfortable with the English and x-ray portions of the exam.

Maria H.

Just passed my test! Great prep course, it definitely prepared me and gave a great insight on what to expect on the test.

Kelsey B.

Guys!!? I Passed!!! I don't know who is reading this but I want to give you a quick tip that will help you pass. If you are serious dedicate 2 -3 hours everyday to study. Trust me the more problems you do the higher the chances of passing. Do not take this lightly . PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE!!! And you will do great! Bought this course and for 3 weeks all i did was practice Every single day !


I took off from work to pass this test in two days.... I REALLY STRUGGLE with bottles and cans. I have to keep taking the quizzes over and over and over get me. Don't cheat yourself by looking at the pics. Its the only way to get better. TWO THUMBS UP. I will let you know if I pass!


GardaWorld Pre Board Primer
| 81 Reviews |534 Students