
Master the Predictive Index Assessment: Free Practice Test

Beat Predictive Index Cognitive & Behavioral Assessments With Accurate and Realistic Practice Tests
168 Reviews|764 Students|Last Updated: Mar 11, 2024

Why do worthy candidates fail to make a mark on the Predictive Index Assessment despite degrees and qualifications? The answer is two-fold: a lack of preparation combined with unfamiliarity with the test’s complex structure. But do not worry, this page will deliver the knowledge necessary to skyrocket your chance of success.

The Predictive Index assessment consists of two sections: the Cognitive and the Behavioral Assessment. Among these, the Cognitive Assessment stands out as the more challenging section due to its time constraints and the sheer variety of questions evaluating different skills.

To give you a glimpse of the exam, we have included practice tests for each major category. Additionally, we have included valuable tips to support your preparation journey. For detailed information about these questions and additional resources, you can explore our PI Prep course.

Understanding the Predictive Index Cognitive Assessment

The Cognitive Assessment evaluates your skills across three main categories: Verbal, Numerical, and Abstract Reasoning. PICA is a timed test. You get only 12 minutes to answer 50 questions, netting you 14 seconds to analyze, interpret, and draw conclusions from the provided information.

This makes time management a crucial part of your success. In our PI Cognitive Assessment prep course, we detail effective strategies and tips to help you save time and maximize accuracy when solving such questions.

Let us have a look at the types of questions you might encounter.

Free Predictive Index Cognitive Practice Test

20 Questions - 5 Minutes

Verbal Reasoning

Our Verbal Reasoning questions evaluate how well you can apply your language skills to form word connections and understand implied details about the text. To ace verbal reasoning, you need a rich vocabulary, grammar knowledge, and comprehension ability. Employers value these skills as they can help enhance communication and increase adaptability in the workplace.

Our PI Prep Course includes specialized language resources to bring you up to speed and excel in this section of the assessment. This section includes 3 question types:

Tip: The Predictive Index Assessment can be taken in over 50 languages. Opting for your native language can enhance your understanding of the context, allowing you to use vocabulary and grammar more effectively.

Word Analogy


Innocuous : Harmful : : Transparent : ?

  • A:


  • B:


  • C:


  • D:


Correct Answer: A: Opaque


In the given analogy, ‘Innocuous’ and ‘Harmful’ are antonyms, representing opposite qualities. Similarly, ‘Transparent’ and ‘Opaque’ are antonyms, where ‘Opaque’ represents the opposite quality of transparency. Therefore, the correct answer is A) Opaque.


The diligent student was rewarded for his hard work.

Question: In the above sentence, the word ‘diligent’ is the opposite in meaning to?
  • A:


  • B:


  • C:


  • D:


Correct Answer: B: Lazy


The word ‘diligent’ refers to someone who is hardworking and careful in their work. Therefore, the opposite of ‘diligent’ would be ‘lazy’, which refers to someone who is not willing to work hard or use energy.

Tip: Enhancing your performance in synonyms and antonyms requires a rich vocabulary. In our PICA preparation course, we offer an extensive collection of synonyms and antonyms to help you in mastering this essential skill.

Verbal Analysis


  • All dogs are mammals.
  • Bruno is a mammal.
  • Some mammals are carnivores.


Bruno is a carnivore.

Question: If the assumptions are true, is the conclusion:
  • A:


  • B:


  • C:

    Cannot be determined based on the given information

Correct Answer: C. Cannot be determined based on the given information


Given the provided assumptions, it cannot be concluded that Bruno is a carnivore. Assumption 1 states that all dogs are mammals, and Assumption 2 confirms that Bruno is a mammal. However, Assumption 3 further implies that only some mammals, like Bruno, are carnivores. So while the assumptions imply that Bruno is a mammal, they do not guarantee his being a carnivore. Therefore, the conclusion is C, Cannot be determined based on the given information.

Free Verbal Reasoning Practice Test

10 Questions - 2:30 Minutes

Numerical Reasoning

Understanding numbers goes beyond simple calculations. Our numerical reasoning questions reflect that, requiring you to solve word problems, find unknown variables, spot trends in a series of numbers, and interpret numerical data represented visually. These are necessary skills in any professional setting. A foundational knowledge of mathematical formulae and concepts are essential for success in this section.

This section includes 4 questions types:

Tip: An understanding of foundational mathematical concepts goes a long way in solving this section. It forms the basis for all the question types. We cover these and more in our Basic Maths refresher module.

Basic Math


Mary spent 2/3 of her monthly allowance on books and saved the rest. If her allowance is $270, how much money did she save?

  • A:

    $ 90

  • B:

    $ 45

  • C:

    $ 75

  • D:

    $ 60

Correct Answer: A: $ 90


Mary spent ⅔ of her monthly allowance on books. So, she saved the remaining 1 - ⅔ = ⅓ of her allowance. If her allowance is $270, the amount she saved is ⅓ of $270.

Let’s calculate that:

⅓ ​× $270 = $90

So, Mary saved $90.

Word Problems


A company is planning a corporate event and has a budget of $10,000. The venue costs $6,000, and catering is estimated to cost $25 per person. If the company expects 120 employees to attend, will the budget be sufficient, and if so, how much will be left?

  • A:

    $ 2,000 remaining

  • B:

    $ 1,000 remaining

  • C:

    $ 1,000 over budget

  • D:

    $ 2,000 over budget

Correct Answer: B: $ 1,000 remaining


  1. Calculate the catering cost: 120 Persons x $25/Person = $3,000
  2. Add the venue cost to the catering cost: $6,000 + $3,000 = $9,000
  3. Compare with the budget: The total cost ($9,000) is less than the budget ($10,000), so the budget is sufficient.
  4. Calculate the remaining amount: $10,000 - $9,000 = $1,000

So, $ 1000 will be left after all the expenses.

Number Series


What is the 7th term in the series: 12, 24, 48, ...?

  • A:


  • B:


  • C:


  • D:


Correct Answer: B: 384

Explanation: In this geometric series, each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by 2 (common ratio). To find the 7th term, multiply 48 by 23 (since it's the 7th term counting from 12): 48 * 23 = 48 * 8 = 384. Therefore, the 7th term is 384.

Data Interpretation

The following pie charts illustrate the distribution of overseas tourist traffic in Europe. The two charts show the tourist distribution by country and the age profiles of the tourists respectively.

PICA Data Interpretation

Question: Assuming the total number of tourists is 2 million and the distribution of tourists by country remains the same as shown in the pie chart, calculate the combined number of tourists from the U.S.A. and Japan.
  • A:


  • B:


  • C:


  • D:



From the pie chart, we know that:

  • The U.S.A. accounts for 45% of the tourists.
  • Japan accounts for 30% of the tourists.

Step 1: Calculate the Number of Tourists from the U.S.A.

If the total number of tourists is 2 million, then the number of tourists from the U.S.A. is:

Number of Tourists from the U.S.A. = 2,000,000 x 0.45 = 900,000

Step 2: Calculate the Number of Tourists from Japan

Similarly, the number of tourists from Japan is:

Number of Tourists from Japan = 2,000,000 × 0.30 = 600,000

Step 3: Combine the Number of Tourists from the U.S.A. and Japan

To find the combined number, we add the number of tourists from the U.S.A. and Japan:

Combined Number of Tourists = Tourists from U.S.A. + Tourists from Japan

Combined Number of Tourists = 900,000 + 600,000 = 1,500,000

Therefore, the combined number of tourists from the U.S.A. and Japan is 1.5 million.

Free Numerical Reasoning Practice Test

10 Questions - 2:30 Minutes

Abstract Reasoning

Our abstract reasoning questions evaluate your ability to analyze and spot patterns within a series of abstract images. They test your critical thinking and analytical ability, valuable skills for in organizations where change is constant. Remember, your ability to spontaneously comprehend and implement new information is key to success here.

Tip: You do not need any subject-based knowledge for this section. It is not about prior information but rather the skill to speedily observe and crack patterns in visual information.

Next in Series

Question: Which figure completes the series?

  • A:
  • B:
  • C:
  • D:
Correct Answer: B:


Observe: In the given sequence, the rectangle undergoes a 90-degree clockwise rotation with each step.

Identify: The established pattern is a consistent 90-degree rotation to the right at every progression.

Verify: Observing the sequence, we can validate that the rectangle indeed rotates 90 degrees clockwise at every step.

Apply: Following this rotational pattern, the missing box should display the rectangle in a horizontal orientation.

Consequently, after analyzing the pattern, the missing box should contain a horizontally positioned rectangle. This matches with choice B.

Abstract Analogies

Question: Which one of the following completes the sequence?

  • A:
  • B:
  • C:
  • D:
Correct Answer: B:


Identifying the Relationship: In this set of boxes, there is a distinct rotation pattern among the rectangles. When we observe the first row, we notice that each rectangle undergoes a specific rotation. The smallest rectangle remains stationary in box 2, the mid-sized rectangle rotates 45 degrees clockwise, and the largest rectangle rotates 90 degrees clockwise from box 1 to box 2.

Consider Multiple Perspectives: While the initial observation highlights the rotation pattern, it's essential to note the precise angles and directions of rotation. The smallest rectangle doesn't rotate, the mid-sized one turns 45 degrees clockwise, and the largest one turns 90 degrees clockwise.

Transfer the Relationship: To apply this rotation pattern to box 3, we can deduce that the ellipses in box 3 will follow the same rotation pattern as those in box 2. This means that the smallest ellipse will remain stationary, the mid-sized one will rotate 45 degrees clockwise, and the largest one will make a 90-degree clockwise turn.

Verify and Confirm: Based on our deductions, we conclude that Option "B" aligns with the observed rotation pattern in the top row. It accurately reflects the rotations seen in box 2. In contrast, the other options do not conform to this rotation sequence, reaffirming our choice.

Odd One Out

Question: In the given series which box is the Odd One Out?

  • A:


  • B:


  • C:


  • D:


Correct Answer: B


Observe: In this series, there are four boxes, each containing a figure composed of two shapes nested inside each other. The key observation is related to the number of sides in these shapes and their relationship within each box.

Identify: The identifiable pattern here is the relationship between the two nested shapes in each box based on their number of sides. In all boxes except for box B, the smaller shape has one less side than the bigger shape. However, box B stands out because it does not follow this rule; it features a shape with fewer sides (triangle) containing a shape with more sides (square).

Verify: Upon verification, it's clear that all boxes indeed contain figures with nested shapes. Boxes A, C, and D adhere to the established pattern of the smaller shape having one less side than the bigger shape. In contrast, box B deviates from this pattern by having a shape with fewer sides (triangle) contain a shape with more sides (square).

Apply: Applying these observations, we can conclude that box B is the Odd One Out in this series because it breaks away from the established pattern of the relationship between the number of sides in the nested shapes, which is consistent in the other boxes.


Question: Which figure completes the matrix?

  • A:
  • B:
  • C:
  • D:


Observation 1: As we progress horizontally (from left to right) through each row, there is a central line within the shape. This line undergoes a rotation, specifically rotating 45 degrees in a counterclockwise direction. If we spot this rotation in the first row, we can see that the same rotational pattern persists in the rows that follow. For instance, if the line in the first box of a row is oriented vertically, by the third box (after two 45-degree counterclockwise rotations) it should be oriented diagonally from the upper right to the lower left.

Observation 2: Looking at the number of lines within each shape, as we move from left to right, there's a clear pattern. The shapes have lines that decrease in number in a sequence: 3 lines, then 2 lines, and finally 1 line. This pattern of line reduction is consistent as we look at each row. For example, if the first shape in a row contains 3 lines, the next will have 2 lines, and the one after that will only have a single line. This sequence is repeated in subsequent rows.

Considering these observations:
The box that is missing in the sequence will follow these patterns. Following the sequence from the prior boxes, our missing box should contain a shape with two lines oriented diagonally from the upper left to the lower right corner, after the aforementioned 45-degree counterclockwise rotations.

Thus, based on these patterns and the choices available, the correct fill for this missing box is "C"

Free Abstract Reasoning Practice Test

10 Questions - 2:30 Minutes

Understanding the Predictive Index Cognitive Assessment

The PI Behavioural Assessment evaluates candidates’ compatibility and cultural fit by presenting them with two identical lists of 86 adjectives each. Candidates are instructed differently for each list: on the “Self List,” they choose adjectives they think describe how others expect them to behave, while on the “Self-Concept List,” they select adjectives they believe describe themselves.

Let’s take a look at an example:

Imagine you are applying for a job, let’s say as a project manager. These are the adjectives you can see on the list.

Rash Meticulous Calm
Laid-back Nonchalant Rule-abiding
Autocratic Assertive Goal-driven
Approachable Subdued   Influential

So now when you imagine a project manager some characteristics are highly desirable for that role and some are the obvious red flags. Qualities like (not limited to) confidence, decisiveness, good at following rules but also being flexible, the ability to influence others positively, being calm under pressure, and being very organized are desirable qualities. On the other hand, being impulsive, not caring much, trying to control everything, being too relaxed, or not very assertive would not be so good for that job.

Take this list as an example, the following words are going to reflect positively on the job role of a project manager:


While the following words would reflect negatively:

Rash Autocratic Nonchalant Subdued Laid-back

So, by picking the right words that truly represent you and match what a project manager needs to be successful, you’re more likely to show the company that you’re a great fit for the job.

Important: Candidates need to remain authentic rather than trying to cater to perceived employer preferences. They should choose adjectives that genuinely reflect their characteristics and assess how well their traits align with the job requirements.

Free Predictive Index Behavioral Practice Test

30 Adjectives

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| 168 Reviews |764 Students