
Integrity Test Preparation Guide and Sample Questions

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You may have breathed a sigh of relief once you finished school and thought:
“My testing days are over!”

Think again. Research shows that approximately 76% of organizations with over 100 employees use assessment tools such as integrity tests, personality tests, and aptitude tests for external recruiting. So don’t turn your mind away from studying just yet. If you have been asked to take an integrity test as part of your hiring process you will need to get into study mode once again.

However, there is no need to stress. At PrepTerminal we are here to help make your integrity test study processes as seamless and enjoyable as possible. Our team of experts has carefully crafted a comprehensive module-based integrity test preparation course to help you maximize your integrity test score at your own pace, from the comfort of your home.

What is Integrity Testing?

A pre-employment integrity test may be understood as any occupational personality inventory that is designed to predict counterproductive work behaviors, such as violence, on-the-job thefts, illicit drug abuse, sabotage, and harassment.

Integrity testing is an interview or survey that asks candidates to self-report their propensity towards specific behaviors. Based on the candidate’s answers, employers can gain a clearer idea of the test-takers likelihood of taking reliable and honest actions when on the job. This type of pre-employment assessment test offers potential employers insight into any disturbances an employee may make before they are recruited.

While it may not be a perfect tool, it can help to limit the liability of an organization, give the employer an idea of an individual’s reliability and help provide a safer working environment. The majority of integrity tests are used together with other hiring process measures, such as drug tests, employee reference requests, and background checks.

There are two types of integrity tests:

1. Overt Integrity Tests
Overt integrity tests are a direct testing method where the test-taker is asked subjective questions about their criminal history, honesty, and behavior.

2. Covert Personality Tests
Covert personality tests use a personality-type testing method to form conclusions about probable integrity issues.

In both these types of tests, the effectiveness of the test is dependent on the test-taker responding to the questions truthfully.

So, why is integrity testing important? Hiring managers can use integrity tests when recruiting to identify potential problems in advance and when needed, to request complete background checks or to contact past employers before the candidate moves on to the interview stage of the hiring process.

Although integrity testing may not eliminate violence or theft in a place of work, it may help employers weed out candidates who may be less productive or not suitable for a given job role.

Why Do Companies Use Integrity Tests?

Integrity is a central trait of all employees in a company. As recommended by Warren Buffett, integrity is one of the three qualities a company should seek when recruiting its employees as it has a direct effect on an individual’s attitude and manner of conduct in the workplace. Research reveals that individuals with high integrity show more commitment to their work and thus are typically more productive.

The integrity test can be applied in the management of employee risk, as it can be used to measure the probability that a candidate will abide by the rules and be a dependable employee.

Integrity assessments are also a well-founded predictor of counterproductive behavior tendencies and absenteeism, which could negatively impact a business, particularly in relation to cost. Integrity testing also facilitates better culture fit matching as it evaluates a candidate’s potential resistance to managerial direction and predispositions towards the rule of involvement.

Many times organizations that use integrity tests will see improvement in the following areas:

  • Reduced workers’ compensation costs
  • Lower employee theft
  • Less staff turnover
  • Safer working environment
  • Increased productivity
  • Reduced medical and sick leave program use
  • Minimal disciplinary issues

The value of integrity testing for companies is also apparent in the long term as it can help decrease staff turnover rates, improve employee morale, increase productivity, and promote employee engagement levels.

Rapid Integrity Test Course

Rapid Integrity Test Course

1136 Reviews|8876 Students
Last Updated: Sep 13, 2024

Rapid Integrity Test Course

Course Content

What’s the Difference Between Integrity Test and Personality Test?

Unlike behavioral and personality-based tests which aim to identify a candidate’s potential job fit, honesty and integrity tests strive to disclose a candidate’s attitude toward their work.

Overt Versus Personality-Based Tests

A distinction is typically made between tests that ask directly about integrity, questioning for admission of criminal history or the like, or asking about the extent to which the candidate accepts dishonest behavior (generally called overt tests), and tests that indirectly gather information about integrity based on the candidate’s responses to questions that are not plainly connected to integrity (generally called personality-based tests).

Integrity Test Sample Questions & Answers

Question: If you caught a coworker of yours pilfering funds from the company but they explain to you that this is only because they are having financial problems and would return the money back, would you still report them?
  • 1:
  • 2:
    Only if they can prove that they are having problems
  • 3:
Answer: A


Choosing otherwise will give the company a red flag, making them see you as someone that can be convinced in being an accomplice or complacent to wrongdoings in the workplace.

Question: Have you ever lied to a manager before?
  • 1:
  • 2:
  • 3:
Answer: A (This will depend highly on the company or other factors, check the explanation below for more details) or B (Generally the most expected/preferred answer)


If you truly are an honest employee who never lied throughout their entire career with a manager of theirs, then answering ‘No’ is the best choice.

On the other hand, choosing A is also acceptable in some cases as you are being upfront about it, allowing the company to know that at least NOW you are being honest.

The reason behind this is because some companies will take into consideration the presence of ‘white lies’ like you had to decline an invitation to a party just because you didn’t like your manager but saying that you have another important appointment on the night/day of the event or that you’re visiting your parents on that day.

‘Unsure’ can be an acceptable answer but you must be careful because there is a good chance that your results will be invalidated if you pick too many ‘neutral’ choices

Question: How likely are you to cover for a coworker if an emergency comes up?
  • 1:
    Very Likely
  • 2:
  • 3:
    Depends on the Circumstances
  • 4:
  • 5:
    Very Unlikely
Answer: Most preferred answer: A or B. C is Acceptable in some cases.


This statement will not only serve as a means to determine if you are someone that can be depended on to cover for a coworker if an emergency appears but also as a way to see if you are someone that can be depended on at the workplace in general.

C, although accepted by some companies, will make them assume that you are an employee that only helps if the circumstances suit them, not because their help is needed.

Tips for Integrity Test

Top Tip #1. Practice

Integrity tests could feature questions such as: Do you think that people should express the same values in the workplace as they do at their homes? How would you react if your boss asked you to do something that goes against company policy? Have you ever described an event in a way that made it sound better than it was in real life? Is it ok to take for your own personal use company samples meant to be used by clients or customers? These may seem straightforward but without guided practice, you could find yourself presenting an inaccurate depiction of who you are. Through practice, you can see how your scores match up to the desirable range and learn how to refine your test-taking techniques.

Top Tip #2. Think of a Few Integrity Stories

If an interviewer is administering an integrity test verbally they may ask to relay situations and examples from your past, to see if you can demonstrate how you acted with integrity in your personal or professional life. Prior to the test, think of some incidents you can bring up to describe how you made the correct decision when you were presented with a moral problem.

Top Tip #3. Don’t Be Too Good to Be True

Hiring managers expect test-takers to reveal that they possess some imperfect qualities. For example, you may let it be known that you would tell a white lie so as not to be offensive, or that on occasion you pass the given speed limit when driving. If you try to present a perfect image of yourself, the hiring manager may conclude that you are not being honest on the test.

Top Tip #4. Consider Your Workplace Behavior

Prior to sitting the test, review your workplace behavior and think about how you dealt with moral challenges when in the workplace. Ask yourself questions such as, “Did I ever protect a colleague who did something dishonest, such as coming to work late without telling anyone, or taking office stationery home for personal use?” Then, consider your own moral conduct, and ask yourself whether you’ve ever ignored a mistake that you know should have been dealt with or claimed your child was sick to get a day off work.

Top Tip #5. Review Your Personal Behavior

Organizations often look at out-of-hours behavior to give them clues about your moral frame of mind and often ask questions like “What would you do if a store clerk undercharged you for an item?” or “Are you ever answer dishonestly when your partner asks you a question?”.

How Prepterminal Can Help with Your Integrity Test

The integrity assessment is often used as a screening tool early in the candidate’s selection process. Thus, if you don’t pass this initial screening step you won’t be able to move on to the next stage of the hiring process. That’s why it is so important to excel on your integrity test and to do well you will probably need to prepare for your assessment in advance.

As is often the case in life, conducting your research in advance, and being proactive about your preparations, will in all likelihood lead to success. If you are applying for a job position that you really want, PrepTerminal is here to help you outdo the competition. Our module-based prep integrity course features mock tests and quizzes so you can monitor your progress and refine your test-taking skills.

Just as sample questions and prep courses help students increase their scores on college entry exams, practicing for the integrity assessment can give you an advantage in your job search. It is estimated that as many as half of employment applicants undertake some type of preparation, so don’t be left behind – make sure that you are one of the individuals who prepare before test day.

Enroll in PrepTerminal’s preparatory integrity test course today and learn the strategies and develop the mindset you need in order to do well on your integrity test.

*Note: Integrity & other trademarks  are the property of their respective trademark holders. None of the trademark holders are affiliated with PrepTerminal or this website.
Matthew Appleyard

Created by: Matthew Appleyard

Psychometric Tutor, Prepterminal Test Expert

8876 students,
, 1136 Reviews

I’m Matthew Appleyard, Prepterminal’s Integrity Test Prep Expert. Any questions about the course? Let me know at [email protected]

Rapid Integrity Test Course
| 1136 Reviews |8876 Students